Vinyl Laser Printer Paper

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Vinyl Laser Printer Paper

Self-adhesive labels and decals are increasingly popular for decorative and promotional purposes. With vinyl laser printer paper, you can create your own. The product category offers this special material in various sizes, colors and brands.

Will all printable vinyl work in a laser printer?

This will happen only if the sheet is specifically compatible with the printing device. If a sheet intended for an inkjet is used in a laser printer, the heat from the drum may melt the coating and damage the machine. For this reason, always verify that the printable medium you use is compatible with the machine type you will be using.

Note also that some vinyl is rated for no higher than 170 degrees Fahrenheit while some laser printers can reach 400 degrees. Be sure to check manufacturer specifications for both paper and printer to ensure compatibility.

Which side of the sheet should face up in the tray?

Vinyl paper is expensive compared to the regular kind. Here is a simple way to determine how to place this special paper in the tray without wasting it for testing:

  • Take a regular paper sheet and mark it on one side with a pen or pencil.
  • Place the paper in the tray with the mark facing up.
  • Using your word processor, type a short sentence for test purposes and print it.
  • If the mark and sentence appear on the same side, place the medium in the tray facing up. Otherwise, place it facing down.
What is clear vinyl printer paper?

Clear vinyl sheets are used to create labels and decals that appear to be directly printed onto the object they adhere to. This creates a more professional appearance than that of opaque labels and decals, which can seem temporary and \"patchwork\" by comparison. Clear sheets are made and applied the same way as sheets of opaque colors.

How are decal and label designs made?

If you are simply producing words for a label, you can use your word processor's label-making function. If you wish to make a decal with a graphic, you'll have to obtain the artwork from a third party or create it yourself with a graphic design application. Then you can import the file into your word processor and print it.