Twin Size Bed-In-A-Bag Sets

Twin Bed-In-A-Bag

When you are designing a bedroom, a great way to get started is by choosing a bedding set as the focal point. Whether you're decorating your child's room, a dorm room, or an apartment, getting the right twin bedding and comforter set is easy when you buy them together. With a set, there's no need to worry about size or color-coordination; just choose a style that you like, and the rest is simple.

What's included in a bed-in-a-bag comforter set?

Usually, you’ll get much more than just a comforter. In a typical twin comforter set, there is a comforter, fitted sheet, flat sheet, and two pillowcases. Some collections also include decorative bedding items such as a smaller pillow, pillow shams, or a bed skirt.

How do you choose a bedding set?

There are three main factors to consider when selecting your bedding or comforter set:

  • Size: Be sure to select the right size for your bed. A twin bed is usually 39 inches wide and 75 inches long. A full bed is 54 inches wide and 75 inches long. A queen bed is 60 inches wide and 80 inches long, and a king bed measures 76 inches wide and 80 inches long.
  • Number of pieces: The more optional pieces that are included in your bag, the more variety you will have while decorating. It’s up to you how elaborate or simple you want your bedding set to be.
  • Quality: The type of comforter and the thread count of the sheets can both affect the quality of the set.
What's the difference between twin and twin XL sheets?

Both twin and twin XL sheets are 39 inches wide, but twin XL sheets are typically 5 inches longer, so they’ll usually be 80 inches long instead of 75. If you're buying a bedding set for a dorm room, be sure to check the size of the twin beds, because twin XL is a typical bed size on campus.

Is the bag the bedding comes in reusable?

Since they are usually durable plastic with zippers, bags from comforter sets can be saved and reused for many purposes. Twin-sized bags are great for storing bedding sets that are not in use. Just about any size of comforter bag can be used to store winter clothes or blankets that are not in season.

What's the difference between a comforter set and other bedding?

A bedspread is the name for any bedding that is designed to be the top layer on a bed. Comforters and comforter sets, including those in bags, are types of bedspreads. Quilts and coverlets are similar, but they are typically packaged separately. Comforter sets offer the convenience of coordinated pieces in a single set.