Photo Studio Light Stands & Booms C-with Stand

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Optimize Your Photography Studio Shots With a C Stand

A C stand is a specific type of stand that you can use to set up shots for still and film photography. The design of the C stand incorporates several features that make it a versatile choice intended to be easy to use. eBay has many C stands for sale to suit your needs or preferences.

How does the C stand arm design benefit you?

The C stand includes multiple arms or legs that you can use to set up your equipment at the angle that suits your needs. There are two primary ways the design of the C stand makes it a great choice:

  • Versatility - For most C stand models you can find on eBay, you can position each leg of the stand individually. This gives the stand a great range of motion to help you line up your shots. Each leg locks into place once you are ready.
  • Portability - When you're done with one location, and it's time to move one, you can unlock and fold the legs down for a stand that is compact and easy to transport.
What types of equipment can the C stand support?

The design of the C stand means that you can use it in conjunction with other stands even in tight spaces. This feature makes it a great option if you need to use a lot of photography equipment close together at the same time. Some common equipment that this stand is intended to support are:

  • Light modifiers
  • Reflectors
  • Cantilever flags
  • Scrims
What extension lengths are available?

You may need a C stand that can expand to a specific length to suit your scenarios. You can use eBay to look for deals on stands that expand to the length you need. Note that in most cases, the stands will collapse to a shorter length for portability. Some maximum lengths you can find on eBay are:

  • 6 feet
  • 8 feet
  • 10 feet
  • 12 feet
Can you find used C stands for sale?

eBay offers several pre-owned items for your perusal. In many cases, used C stands are available at lower prices than their new counterparts. Some of these stands may still look and perform like new. Others may have slight cosmetic differences but still function as intended. You can find great deals on pre-owned C stands using eBay to search for the type of C stands you're looking to purchase.