Alfombras y Tapetes Nourison

Nourison Rugs and Carpets

Nourison produces and imports a selection of area rugs and carpets. They work with fashion designers and artisans to bring individual floor coverings to your home.

What are Nourison rugs made of?

Because Nourison offers such a wide selection of floor coverings, their rugs are made out of many different materials, which include the following:

  • Wool
  • Silk
  • Bamboo
  • Suede
  • Polyester
  • Polypropylene
  • Nylon
Are Nourison area rugs handmade or machine-made?

Nourison area rugs may be woven, tufted, or hand-knotted. Weaving and tufting may be done by hand or machine. Which method is used depends on the model of rug.

  • Hand-knotted rugs are made by experienced weavers. Each individual fiber is positioned into a woven matrix and knotted by hand. The Nourison Rugs' designs produced are only made of wool, silk, or cotton.
  • Tufted rugs are made with specialized tools that push loops of fiber through a backing. This process may be done by hand or machine and allows for the creation of very complex designs. The back of the rug is sealed.
  • Woven rugs can be made by hand or machine. They are available in a range of colors, styles, and finishes.

Broadloom carpeting gets its name from the fact that it is literally woven on a wide loom. It is usually 12 feet wide, and it can be used for wall-to-wall installation. It is available in a variety of pile, color, and pattern combinations.

What shapes of area rugs are available from Nourison?

Different rooms in your home need rugs of different shapes to work effectively with the decor. Nourison offers area rugs in the traditional rectangular shape, and long, narrow runners are available in some patterns. They also offer many patterns in square, round, oval, and octagonal styles.

What size is an area rug?

Within each shape, you can choose the size to fit under a table, soften a hallway, or cover the entire floor. Rectangular rugs can be as small as 2 feet by 3 feet or as large as 10 feet by 13 feet. Runners are typically about 2.5 feet wide and may be as long as 12 feet.

If you prefer a square area rug, you can find them in sizes that include 6 feet and 8 feet square. Round rugs and octagons may be as large as 10 feet across, and a typical size for ovals is 7.5 feet by 9.5 feet.

How do you clean Nourison rugs?

Try plain water first. The next option is mild detergent mixed with white vinegar. For more stubborn stains, try dry-cleaning fluid.

Content provided for informational purposes only. eBay is not affiliated with or endorsed by Nourison.