Hasselblad Cfi

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Find the Perfect Hasselblad CFi Lens with These Simple Tips

The quality of your lens paired with a great camera body can really take your photography to the next level. Hasselblad cameras are high-quality pieces of gear that are very popular among the photographic community. You can find an incredible lens for your Hasselblad camera body for a great price on eBay.

How do you pick the right lens for your Hasselblad?

The first thing to look for when acquiring a new lens for your Hasselblad camera is the body style of the camera. In order to obtain the right type of lens, you need to know if it is an older 500 series or a body style that accommodates a focal plane lens. A Hasselblad CFi lens is effective for both situations and is a common choice. The next thing to consider is the distance between you and the subject of the photograph. The distance will determine the length of the lens that you will need. The length will be measured in millimeters.

What should you look for when buying a used lens?

Camera lenses are precision pieces of gear. A great lens used in the perfect circumstance can drastically improve your photography. When looking at used lenses on eBay, a little bit of wear is to be expected. Make sure that the signs of use haven't detracted from the performance of the lens. Test the mechanical aspects and make sure the movement of the zoom and focus is smooth. Another thing to look for is the clarity of the lens. Check to see if it is clear of fungus, mold, or fog. A clear lens will allow the focus to function as intended.

What style lenses are available for the Hasselblad?

Many different lenses have been made for the Hasselblad body. Some of the CFi lenses available on eBay include:

  • F-Distagon f/3.5 30mm CFi
  • Biogon f/4.5 38mm CFi
  • Distagon f/3.5 60mm CFi
  • Planar f/3.5 100mm CFi
  • Makro-Planar f/4 120mm CFi & CFE
What is the difference between a CFi and F lens?

Hasselblad uses three different designations to let you know what type of lens you are working with. A "C" lens has a central shudder in the assembly. This works with the older 500 series camera bodies. Conversely, an "F" lens has no internal shudder and is designed to work with a focal plane body. The third designation is a "CF" lens. This lens is designed to work in both situations and perform well with either body style. The Hasselblad CFi is a popular version of the "CF" style lens. The "i" stands for "improved" and it is just a newer configuration of the "CF" lens.

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