Cwd English Horse Saddles

Key Points to Consider When Researching CWD English Saddles

For horse and riding enthusiasts, getting the proper equipment is critical for success. CWD saddles are well-respected among riders due to the high quality of construction and their durability. Understanding the key points to consider when purchasing one of these will help you make a wise decision.

What measurements do you use for English saddles?

When measuring for an English saddle, you must measure both for the rider and for the horse. The seat must be measured to fit the person, and the gullet must be measured to fit the horse. The two measurements are then used to find the ideal and unique fit. These measurements include:

  • Measuring for the seat: When seated in a chair with your legs bent at a 90-degree angle, measure the distance or length of your upper leg from the front of your kneecap to the back of your buttocks. This measurement of your thigh will be used to determine your seat size. If you use a Western saddle, you can add 2 inches to the size of the seat of your Western saddle to approximate the seat size needed for an English saddle.
  • Measuring for the gullet: This requires sizing the horse's back as the gullet or tree is the part that sits on the horse. Most will take a medium sized gullet with larger breeds, such as Belgians or other draft breeds, requiring large or extra large.
Are there different types of leather for English saddles?

CWD English saddles are constructed to perform in a variety of riding events, and they offer saddles that are built to perform in these areas:

  • Classic English saddles: These feature wooden gullets or trees and are made for close contact.
  • Dressage saddles: These feature a deeper seat to assist the rider with erect posture while riding as well as longer rolls on the saddle to help maintain leg placement during events.
  • Cross country saddles: For all-terrain with jumps and rigorous impact, featuring blocks for the front and hindquarters that are sturdier and a girth strap.
Can the panels be restuffed?

Panels beneath the leather seat offer comfort by creating padding. An experienced tack handler and repair professional can inspect the panels and restuff them if need be. Panels that are stuffed with wool flock are generally easiest to restuff.

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