Clue Vintage Manufacture Board & Traditional Games

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Clue Vintage Board and Traditional Games

Clue is a murder mystery board game by Hasbro in which players try to guess who murdered a certain character, in which room they were murdered, and with which weapon. It is a board game that can be played with three to six people. The Clue vintage board and traditional games was created in 1948 in England as Cluedo, but when it was introduced to North America it was renamed Clue, and a movie based on the game was released.

How do you play Clue?

At the beginning of the game, three cards are placed in an envelope. These three cards include the weapon, the room in which the crime was committed, and the murderer. Then, each of the players will choose one card from each of the categories. Players roll the dice to move to different rooms on the board. When a player reaches a room, that player may make a suggestion about the weapon, room, and suspect. If someone can prove another player's suggestion wrong with one of the cards that they are holding, then the second player must show the player making the suggestion the card that proves the suggestion wrong. When players believe that they know definitively the specifics of the crime, they make an accusation. If they are correct about all three specifics of the crime, then they win the game. If they are incorrect about one specific, then they lose and can no longer play.

What pieces are included in the Clue game?

The pieces will vary depending on which edition you have, but all editions will have specific pieces. All game editions will come with a board on which the rooms of the mansion are housed. There will also be one card for each of the characters, one for each of the weapons, and one for each of the rooms. A miniature version of each of the weapons will also be included.

Are there different editions of Clue?

There are collector’s editions made from restoration hardware. The rooms are three-dimensional and the board is a wood-paneled box. There are also editions that have been created that feature characters from television shows and movies such as The Simpsons, Seinfeld, and Harry Potter.

What ages can play this game?

Because the game involves deductive reasoning, it is appropriate for ages eight and up. Although the board game is suitable for children as young as eight, adults can enjoy the game along with children.