Apple MacBook Air Intel Core i7 3rd Gen. Laptops

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Picking the Right Laptop for Your Needs

Theres no doubt that the inception of laptops into the market brought about great relief. Compared to desktops, laptops are much more compact, portable, and versatile. Handling tasks is thus much easier as you can work from literally anywhere. Choosing one that will serve you well, however, can be quite an uphill task seeing as there are so many things to consider. There are various manufacturers of the laptops, and among them is Apple. In their line of laptops, there is the MacBook Air, a high-end, ultra-portable laptop with a 13\" screen and a full-size keyboard. It is powered by the macOS. Here are a few things you should know before purchasing one.

What processors do the MacBook Air notebooks have?

The two main manufacturers of computer processors in the market are Intel and AMD. Intels line up of processors comprises Celeron, Pentium, and Core while AMDs processors are Sempron, Athlon, and Phenom. Their performance is based on factors such as the number of cores, the frequency (measured in GHz), the number of threads, cache and the turbo-boost. Apples MacBook Air notebooks are powered by Intels Core i5 and i7 processors although other models have also been used before. The two differ in the following ways.

  • Core i5 - Coming in dual-core and quad-core configurations, these type of processors are ideal for mainstream roles. They perform better than other their predecessors, the Intel Core i3 processors. They, however, have a lower clock speed and a smaller cache compared to i7s. They also do not support hyperthreading.
  • Core i7 - These are the highest and most powerful in the Intel Core range. They support hyper-threading and have a higher clock speed and cache. Macbooks with this processor are a great choice if you intend to do intensive tasks such as gaming. You will find the eighth generation i7s with up to six cores.

What should you consider when buying a laptop?

Other than the type of processor, there are various things that matter when it comes to purchasing a laptop. These include the following:

  • Display - This includes the size, pixels, and the lighting. If portability means much more to you than the screen size, you should consider getting a small-sized laptop. For the pixels, higher resolution screens produce better image quality than those with lower resolution. Lighting also plays a major role in the display. Consider getting a laptop with a LED-backlit display.
  • Memory - This has to do with the random access memory (RAM). The key things to consider here are the speed and the capacity. The speed of the memory is measured in MHz or GHz. The higher the speed, the higher the performance. Likewise, for the capacity, a high capacity, such as 16 GB will be great.
  • Keyboard and touchpad - When looking at the keyboard, consider a solid, full-size one for a great typing experience. The touchpad should also be large enough and comfortable to use. Look out for one that responds to multitouch gestures.
  • Storage capacity - The permanent internal storage drives in laptops are hard drives (HDD) and solid-state drives (SSDs). HDDs are much slower but come in larger capacities. SSDs on the other hand are must faster and reliable. They, however, come with lesser capacities, the 256 GB SSD being standard. Apples MacBook Air laptops are equipped with SSDs as the primary storage form.
  • Battery life - Consider a battery with a long life if you intend to use the laptop unplugged for a long period. Battery life varies from laptop to laptop. MacBook Air models can go up to 12 hours straight.
  • Connection - Confirm support for wireless connections such as Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. Also, determine which types of ports before purchasing. Majority of laptops use USB-C or Thunderbolt 3 ports.

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