120mm Diameter Computer Fan Filters

Protect Your PC with a 120 mm Computer Fan Filter

Dust and dirt are almost unavoidable in all home and office settings. Small particles travel easily through the air and eventually find their way inside your PC. Computer fan filters are designed to prevent that from happening by posing an extra barrier on the main point entry point. The 120 mm fans on a computer case are there to control the airflow and filters are essential for providing dust-free air. Still, not all PCs have fan filters and not all filters are equally effective. Selecting and installing the right filter requires some knowledge in fan design as well as a good understanding of how the computer cooling system works.

How does the PC cooling system work?

Air-based cooling works by increasing airflow to components that generate a lot of heat. The large case fans play a big role in the whole process as they are in charge of pumping cold air into the computer case and extracting hot air from it. Aside from the large PC case fans, there are also individual fans designed for cooling specific components. All fan effectiveness is largely dependent on fan size and rotation speed. Dust can impede the speed of a fan, so it is highly important to keep it away from the whole fan system.

How do I choose the right filter material?

The material of a filter plays a huge role in dust prevention and air supply. Your filter is usually made of one of the following materials.

  • Plastic
  • Nylon
  • Cotton

Each material has its advantages and should be selected with care. Placing a cotton filter in front of your fan will largely restrict air flow but it will also provide dust protection. This is why cotton is a good choice for fine dust filters. Plastic filters are usually good for just the large debris, as their mesh has large holes that do not prevent small particles. The nylon mesh represents a balance between the two, offering moderate protection from dust particles and moderately restricting the air flow.

Does the strength of my cooling fan determine my filter?

More powerful fans can work with just about any filter placed in front of them. However, note that a thick filter is not needed for all positions. Fans that pump air out from your PC case can be covered with a simple mesh that prevents large debris and bugs from entering the system while it is passive.

How to install a 120 mm fan filter?

Installing the fan filter is quite easy, as almost all filters are designed to be secured with the fan screws. In most cases, you need to follow just three simple steps

  • Unscrew the fan
  • Place the filter in front of the fan
  • Screw the fan back on the same spot